do away with

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


do away with

  1. kumota, neutraloida, kytkeä irti, sammuttaa paineaallot, hävittää, poistaa, karsia, tehdä loppu jstk, tuhota.

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tehdä loppu jstk puhekieltä to abolish; to put an end to; to eliminate
1887, w:Mabel Collins|Mabel Collins, The Illuminated Way: A Guide to Newophytes, 1903 ed., Yogi publications, New Jersey, p. 35:

For no nearness in space, no closeness of relations, no daily intimacy, can do away with the inexorable laws which give the adept his seclusion.
1922, w:Victor Appleton|Victor Appleton, Tom Swift And His Electric Locomotive, ch. 7:
Using electricity as motive power for railroads will do away with fuel trains, tenders, coal handling, water, and all that.
2008, " Editorial: British schools' move towards scrapping homework is a progressive idea," Times of India, 30 Sep.:
In most countries, homework has come to be an integral part of the schooling system. So much so that parents are suspicious when schools do away with homework.
puhekieltä to have someone killed

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